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Disability Access and Inclusion Plan

A brighter future for all, Adelaide Hills Council's Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP), guides the Council to help remove barriers in our community so that everyone can participate.

A man and his son touch noses

What is a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan?

Access and Inclusion Plan 2020–24: A brighter future for all, is Adelaide Hills Council's Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP).

Our Plan sets out the actions we will take over the next four years to ensure our Adelaide Hills’ residents, visitors, Council employees and volunteers who are living with disability feel valued and included in their communities and workplaces; enjoy equal access to our unique natural environments, local events, information, facilities and democratic processes; and are able to find the right learning, volunteering and employment opportunities that they need to build their brighter futures.

The Disability Inclusion Act 2018 (SA) requires all local councils and state government agencies to develop a DAIP.

The four themes

Our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan focuses on the following themes of the State Disability Inclusion Plan 2019-2023:

  1. Inclusive communities for all
  2. Leadership and collaboration
  3. Accessible communities
  4. Learning and employment.

Under each theme, our Plan sets out actions we will take to improve disability access and inclusion in our region, district and organisation.

Community consultation process

We developed our Plan in consultation with our community and key stakeholders, including residents with disability, their families and carers, relevant organisations, local service providers, Council Members, staff and volunteers.

The process involved two phases undertaken from September to December 2020:

Phase 1 — Feedback to inform the development of a Provisional DAIP (October 2020)

Phase 2 — Feedback on the Provisional DAIP (November–December 2020)

Tracking and reporting our progress

We regularly monitor our progress in implementing our Access and Inclusion Plan. We undertake regular checks on each action, in conjunction with our quarterly reporting. We also report progress annually to our CEO, Elected Members and Department of Human Services (DHS), describing what has been achieved in the reporting year.

Our first annual report on the implementation of our Plan (2020–2021) was provided to Council at their Ordinary Meeting held on 26 October 2021 (Item 13.1). If you would like a copy of this report, please contact Council's Community and Social Planning Officer using the details below.

Our second annual DAIP progress report (2021-2022) was provided to Council at their Ordinary Meeting held on 25 October 2022 (Item 13.3). If you would like a copy of this report, please contact Council's Community and Social Planning Officer using the details below.

Share feedback on the Plan

We welcome your feedback on our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan or the accessibility of our services at any time. Your feedback will help ensure our Plan and services are addressing the needs and interests of our customers, staff and volunteers who live with disability.

To share your feedback, you can contact Council's Community and Social Planning Offcer on the details below, complete on online form or mail your feedback to:

  • Adelaide Hills Council, 63 Mount Barker Road, Stirling SA 5152

Your privacy is protected when you give us feedback. We will not give your personal details to any third party or use them for any other purposes. If you think your information has been used inappropriately by Adelaide Hills Council, please contact Council's Privacy Contact Officer on 08 8408 0400.

More information

For further information or to request a copy in another accessible format or language, please contact Council's Community and Social Planning Officer via:

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