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Supporting Disability Engagement

We value the contributions of people living with disability about their experiences, concerns and ideas for improving access and inclusion in the Adelaide Hills Council area.

We want to hear from people living with disability about their experiences, concerns and ideas for improving access and inclusion in the Adelaide Hills Council area.

You are invited to contribute by:

  • Expressing your interest in becoming a volunteer Access and Inclusion Advisor
  • Posting an idea for improving disability access and inclusion in the Adelaide Hills
  • Contacting Josh Spier, Community and Social Planning Officer, on the contact details below
  • Requesting to present an issue or idea to Council or Committee (see below information).

How to speak to Council or a Council Committee

Community members with disability are welcome to request to address Council or a Council Committee about a community issue or idea. This is called a deputation request.

Deputations provide individuals or groups in the community with an opportunity to present an issue to Elected Members at a Council meeting. Deputations are an important part of community participation in the decision-making process. The topic must be relevant to the responsibility of Council or its Committees.

If you wish to make a deputation at a Council or Council Committee meeting, you need to complete and return a deputation request form.

To request support to fill in the form or attend a Council meeting, please contact Josh Spier on the details below.

More information

For more information or assistance, please contact:

Josh Spier
Community and Social Planning Officer

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