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Bushfire Resilience Day 2023

February 16 is Bushfire Resilience Day and it marks the anniversary of the devastating Ash Wednesday bushfire that impacted our community 40 years ago.

New foliage growth following a bushfire

Bushfire Resilience Day 2023

February 16 is Bushfire Resilience Day and it marks the anniversary of the devastating Ash Wednesday bushfire that impacted our community 40 years ago.

It’s an opportunity to reflect on that event and the more recently the Sampson Flat, Cudlee Creek and Cherry Gardens bushfires, that impacted so many of us.

For those who lost homes, possessions, and loved ones, the memory of that time is still raw and painful. Our thoughts and condolences are with you, and as you continue to recover and rebuild.

We are proud to acknowledge the strength and resilience of our community. In the aftermath of the fires, we came together in ways that continue to inspire us all.

Neighbours rallied to support one another, local businesses stepped up to help those in need, and volunteers selflessly put themselves forward to assist with recovery efforts.

This is the spirit that defines our community and that helps every day as we continue to heal and build resilience to face future challenges.

The events of that time will always be a part of our history, but it is the strength and kindness that we showed each other that will always be our legacy.

To everyone in our community who has been touched by bushfire we thank you for that spirit. We have emerged stronger for having faced this challenge together.

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