Council appoints new CEO
Adelaide Hills Council Mayor, Dr Jan-Claire Wisdom is delighted to announce that Council has appointed Greg Georgopoulos as its next Chief Executive Officer.
Greg is currently the Chief Executive Officer at Kangaroo Island Council and has 14 years experience in executive Local Government roles across the Kangaroo Island, Prospect and Port Adelaide/Enfield Councils.
Greg is an experienced and accomplished leader in the local government sector who holds a passion and affinity for the Adelaide Hills.
The Council were impressed with his strategic approach and focus on sustainability, the environment and good community outcomes. Greg also has firsthand experience with the Kangaroo Island fires and community rebuilding and resilience. These are skills that are essential for leadership in the Adelaide Hills environment.
The Adelaide Hills Council CEO position became vacant in September last year when long standing CEO, Andrew Aitken, brought a close to his ten-years of outstanding service to the Adelaide Hills Council and community.
Due to the November 2022 Local Government Election, Council was not able to commence the recruitment for a substantive CEO and appointed Council’s Director of Community Capacity, David Waters, as acting CEO.
I would like to publicly acknowledge and thank David Waters and his team for the wonderful job they have done over the past nine months. He had the added complexity of taking the role through the Local Government election and caretaker period and then on boarding of a new Council.
Adelaide Hills Council will warmly welcome Greg to the Council and community with his role anticipated to commence in late July or early August. Until then, David Waters will continue to perform in the role as acting CEO.