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Elevate + Create: A pathway for young creatives in the Hills

Unlocking opportunities for aspiring young artists aged 15-25 with the chance to delve into the world of professional artistry and contribute to public art in the Hills.

Elevate and Create

Elevate + Create: A pathway for young creatives in the Hills

Do you want to be a professional artist or creative? Do you want to be part of creating a mural to add to the public art of the Adelaide Hills?

Elevate + Create is a FREE series of workshops as well as practical hands-on experience designed to give fundamental skills for young people interested in a creative career.

Are you:

  • Aged 15 to 25 and residing in, or a student in the Adelaide Hills Council area?
  • Just beginning your creative career and not sure where to start?
  • Looking for real, practical experience in planning and creating an important public artwork in the Adelaide Hills?
  • Seeking the knowledge of established artists and creatives?

Stage One:

A series of six workshops where you will:

  • Learn the fundamentals of being a creative professional
  • Develop an action plan to level up your creative career
  • Learn from highly regarded guest speakers from the Adelaide Arts community who will share the story of their own creative careers and the lessons they have learned along the way
  • Form lasting networks and friendships with other young creatives.

Stage Two:

Design and create a mural based on community feedback and engagement:

  • The mural will be created off site and installed on the toilet block at Balhannah Oval
  • You need to commit to attending and participating in both Stage One and Stage Two
  • All workshop and creation times will be planned at weekends or outside of school hours.

Who can apply?

Applicants do not need to currently be a practicing artist; this program is designed for creatives who are just starting their career journey and may be considering further steps toward their goal, however if you are already a young emerging artist with some career experience you are encouraged to apply.

The program is free and up to ten participants will be selected.

How do I apply?

Complete the Application Form along with images and supporting information by 5 pm Friday 19 July.

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Speaker Biographies

Angelique Joy

Angelique Joy

Angelique Joy is a multidisciplinary visual artist working with photography, moving image, textile sculpture and virtual extensions of their work. Consistently, throughout their practice Angelique has used self portraiture/performance, textiles and botanicals. They are particularly

interested in exploring how each being, both human and non, unfolds, is constructed and performed - within the spaces we inhabit, the spaces we claim, and the spaces we are kept from.

Angelique is currently a PhD candidate at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) School of Art and has completed a Masters of Photography at RMIT. Angelique has exhibited works nationally as a 2021 Bowness finalist, Fishers Ghost finalist and Head On Photography Festival semi-finalist, along with being a 2022 Waterhouse SA Museum finalist. They have shown works internationally at the 2022 Bandung Photography Triennale in Bandung, Indonesia and the 2022 Pingyao International Photography Festival in the Pingyao Ancient City, China.

Melinda Rankine

Melinda Rankin

Melinda Rankin is the Director of Fabrik Arts and Heritage in Lobethal. She has extensive experience managing arts and cultural facilities, transitioning them into thriving cultural centres through collaborations and community initiatives. Fabrik, located at the former Lobethal Woollen Mill, is an opportunity to bring all of this experience and knowledge together to lead and shape an exciting new venture, ensuring that it reflects the unique community, history and location in which it sits.

Melinda was Director of the Murray Bridge Regional Gallery, one of South Australia's leading regional galleries, from 2011- 2018. This gallery, with its distinctive exhibition spaces, hosted exhibitions from the National Gallery of Australia, the Art Gallery of South Australia and leading South Australian artists during Melinda’s time there.

Melinda has played a leadership role in the state’s regional gallery and museum sector, with involvement in the executive of Regional Galleries Association of SA and Museums Galleries Australia (SA Branch).

James Dodd

James Dodd

James Dodd exhibits regularly across Australia in publicly funded institutions, commercial galleries and artist-run spaces. He works with a range of approaches including particular interests in painting, machines as art, graffiti, adventure and public space. He maintains a curiosity in sheds, backyards suburbia and the creative activities and transgressions that occur in these spaces.

A recent and ongoing project is The Painting Mill; a contraption that is cobbled together from various household, shed-found and DIY parts such as cordless drills, rollerblades and bicycles, which are operated via remote control. The Painting Mill becomes somewhat performative in its presentation whilst also pursuing painted outcomes that can be engaging in their own right.

Dodd is active as an educator at Adelaide Central School of Art and regularly delivers youth and community based arts programs across a range of outcomes. He is often finding ways to tap into his kinetic art interests to develop educational projects that lean into both visual art and STEM streams.

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