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Fire danger season commences and the SA Country Fire Service warns against complacency

Fire danger season for the Adelaide Metropolitan, Kangaroo Island and Mount Lofty Ranges starts 1 December 2022 and finishes 30 April 2023.

Fire danger season and a bushfire over Summertown

Fire danger season commences and the SA Country Fire Service warns against complacency

Fire Danger Season for the Mount Lofty Ranges

1 December 2022 until 30 April 2023

Fire danger season for the Adelaide Metropolitan, Kangaroo Island and Mount Lofty Ranges starts 1 December 2022 and finishes 30 April 2023.

CFS Chief Officer Brett Loughlin has stressed that current weather patterns around the state are of concern to the CFS and people should not be complacent.

It may be wet, but the current weather patterns we are seeing across the state are causing exponential growth of vegetation, which means there will be more fuel to burn when the weather inevitably dries out.

Don't be fooled into thinking there is no bushfire risk in South Australia this season. Much of the state is seeing significant fuel growth, with some areas experiencing three times the normal growth of fuels such as spear grass.

— CFS Chief Officer Brett Loughlin

The Adelaide Hills Council will be following guidance from the Adelaide Mount Lofty Ranges Bushfire Management Committee and will not be issuing permits for standing or heaped vegetation fires during the Fire Danger Season unless under exceptional circumstances (that is a direct risk to an asset).

If you do burn during this period without permission you can expect the Police and CFS to be called to the property.

Residents are instead encouraged to use the free green waste drop offs offered throughout the fire danger season.

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