Funding secured for next stage of Amy Gillett Bikeway
Adelaide Hills Council has committed to build Stage Four of the Amy Gillett Bikeway from Mt Torrens to Birdwood with Federal and State Government funding of $2.6 million each and a Council contribution of $500,000. The total funding for the project is $5.7 Million.
The Department for Infrastructure and Transport has worked closely with the Council on a design solution that can be delivered within the agreed funding package to ensure work on this iconic bikeway can finally continue.
This is an incredibly important and much-loved asset for our community with the added strategic outcome of attracting tourism and providing economic benefit to townships along the way.
The project will extend the Amy Gillett Bikeway from its current end point in Mount Torrens at Oval Road, taking it through to the intersection with Onkaparinga Valley Road in Birdwood, adding around six kilometres to the overall length of the bikeway.
Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Tom Koutsantonis said, “I am pleased to see the State and Federal Governments’ funding offers taken up with the Adelaide Hills Council putting in the remainder of the funds required to see this important and long-awaited stage of the Amy Gillett Bikeway finally realised.”
“It was the former Labor Government that began the Amy Gillett Bikeway to honour the legacy of a great young South Australian."
Adelaide Hills Council Acting Mayor Nathan Daniell said he was delighted to see Stage Four finally progressing after many years of Council and community advocacy.
The extension of the Amy Gillett bikeway will also ensure more young children are provided with a safe place to learn to ride without the safety concerns of riding on Adelaide Hills roads.
Council have committed additional funds to cover the shortfall in government funding and will also undertake ongoing maintenance of the new stage so everyone, especially Birdwood residents, can enjoy the benefits.
I am so pleased the Adelaide Hills Council has voted to increase its funding contribution towards this valuable project.
It is unfortunate that years of delays have resulted in an increased project budget. This project has endured several changes in Government at a State and Federal level, so I am relieved that despite these challenges it is pushing ahead.
I look forward to traveling the Mount Torrens to Birdwood leg of the Bikeway once completed.

Map of the Stage Four extension