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Volunteers make big impact for biodiversity in 2022

Adelaide Hills Council thanks the dedicated volunteers who have made a huge contribution to the biodiversity of the region in 2022

Biodiversity volunteers caring for the land near water

Volunteers make big impact for biodiversity in 2022

Adelaide Hills Council is supported by many wonderful volunteers who make the Hills a better place for all. Council would like to thank the dedicated and passionate volunteers who care for the reserves and the native flora and fauna through our Biodiversity Program.

Here are some of the highlights from 2022 that our volunteers contributed to:

  • Trees for Life partnership continued, seeing 41 ‘adopt-a-site’ volunteers allocated across 28 Bush for Life sites on Council lands. This contributed approximately 1458 hours of site-specific bush regeneration work.
  • 10 Reserves were formally listed with Heritage Agreements in 2022, with a further three ‘conditionally approved’. Council now has 22 Heritage Agreements formally approved and more to come!
  • Council's Biodiversity Team has sourced $465,825 of grants to support Bushcare and bushfire recovery activities across the Council area, further supporting the dedicated efforts of our partners and volunteers.
  • Two new Bushcare Volunteer Groups registered with the Department for Environment and Water (DEW) and are now actively assisting Council with conservation projects.
  • 45 reserves and roadside areas worked by volunteer groups (including Bush for Life).
  • 48 reserves were cared for by Bushcare contractors.
  • 168 Native Vegetation Marker System sites (Blue Marker Sites) managed under the Adelaide Hills Council Roadside Weed Control Work Plan 2022-23.
  • 1500 seedlings planted across the region on 10 revegetation projects.

This considerable effort helps to restore and protect Council lands managed for conservation and ensures that our younger generations will enjoy these ecosystems for years to come!

We are so thankful for your valuable contribution to the biodiversity conservation of our region and hope to work with you again throughout 2023!

Pic credit: photo of the Scarlet Robin bird by Colin Phil-Cook.

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