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Volunteering with Adelaide Hills Council is an opportunity to give back to your local community and work with us to build strong, connected individuals and communities across the Adelaide Hills.

Volunteer drivers

Volunteering is a rewarding and fulfilling experience — become a volunteer today

People who live, work, study and play in the Adelaide Hills give purpose to our work at Council. We are working today to bring positive change in communities for now and into the future.

Volunteering is an opportunity to partner with us so we can build strong, connected individuals and communities across the Adelaide Hills together.

Join us and volunteer!

Why volunteer?

The Adelaide Hills has one of the highest proportions of volunteering in South Australia.
You can help us maintain this proud statistic, plus:

  • You make a valuable contribution to our community,
  • You become someone important for someone else,
  • You can share your skills, or gain new ones,
  • You get to know your community and connect with new people, and
  • You have fun!

Ways you can volunteer with Adelaide Hills Council

Community Centres

Assist in creating a connected community. Visit our Community Centres page to see the range of services we provide.

We manage two community centres: Torrens Valley Community Centre in Gumeracha, and The Summit Community Centre at Norton Summit.

Fabrik Arts + Heritage

Fabrik brings together arts, history, and the community through exhibitions, artist studios, heritage interpretations, artists in residence, and cultural events. Visit Fabrik's website to learn more.

Fabrik Arts + Heritage is located at the heritage listed former Onkaparinga Woollen Mill in Lobethal.

Hills Home and Community Support

Assist older residents of the Adelaide Hills to learn new skills, foster friendships and have fun. Visit our Seniors page for information on our program.

Hills Home and Community Support operates out of our Positive Ageing Centre in Woodside.


Socialise and network while supporting your library's services and programs. Visit our Library pages to see the wide range of activities and services we provide.

We have three library branches: Coventry Library in Stirling, Woodside Library, and Gumeracha Library, as well as a mobile library service.

Youth Development

Become involved with youth-oriented activities and events across the district, and extend your skills. Projects and programs aim to be by young people, for young people. See our Youth Leadership Program page for more information.

Become a volunteer today

Volunteering with the Adelaide Hills Council is a simple six-step process!

  1. Search for a volunteer role that interests you
  2. Complete an application form
  3. Attend an interview
  4. Complete necessary background checks
  5. Participate in a Volunteer Induction (3 hours) and sign volunteer agreements
  6. Get started!

Our volunteers are people just like you. They too want to make a difference.

Frequently asked questions

If you identify a volunteer role that is of interest to you, you can follow our application process.

  • Complete an application form
  • Attend an interview
  • Complete necessary background checks
  • Participate in a Volunteer Induction (3 hours) and sign volunteer agreements
  • Get started!

No. Everyone can make a difference through volunteering, regardless of your background. We are interested in utilising your life and/or work experience, and personal skills, to match you to a role that will suit you. There are also many opportunities to try something new.

No. Not everyone who applies to volunteer with us is the right match for available roles or our organisation. For the volunteer experience to be positive for you and our organisation we are careful to match abilities, knowledge, and personal skills against the requirements of any role. This match is not always possible.

No. We welcome applications for anyone interested in volunteering. Volunteers 12 years and under are required to be supervised by a designated caregiver, who will also need to become a registered Council volunteer.

The amount of time we ask you to commit to your volunteering is dependent on your role and your availability. Some roles may ask volunteers to complete a designated four hour shift per week or fortnight, while others may only require a couple hours per fortnight or month. We will work with individuals to ensure your schedule fits.

This depends on the program you want to volunteer with. Volunteers who work with vulnerable members of the community, handle money, or enter private property will require a police check. Occasionally other programs require a police check where program funding requests it. If a check is necessary, Council will arrange and pay for this on your behalf as you move through the recruitment process.

Our staff have immense appreciation for our volunteers, and our Council as a whole is committed to an environment based on a culture of trust, openness and respect between volunteers and staff. Effective relationships between paid staff and volunteers lead to an enjoyable and productive workplace.

In South Australia, this commitment is demonstrated through an agreement between SA Unions and Volunteering SA.

It is not our policy to give written references to prospective employees. However, your Volunteer Leader may give a verbal reference over the phone, and comment on the volunteer role in which you have been involved. In this case you need to have volunteered regularly with Council for a minimum of three months, and secured consent from your Volunteer Leader to be your referee.

Where applicable, and specific to your role, training will be provided and paid for by Council.

Absolutely! In fact we encourage all volunteers to take a break at some stage throughout the year. We simply ask that you give your Volunteer Leader some notice so they can plan for this change.

Yes. Volunteering is a choice and we realise that as commitments and priorities change you may need to resign from your volunteer role. You are able to resign at any time, but wherever possible we ask that you give you Volunteer Leader some notice so they can plan for this change.

Not through our volunteering program. Student placements and work experience is not considered voluntary work.

For more information about opportunities for student placement or work experience, please contact Council’s Organisational Development team on 8408 0400.

More information

To find out more about volunteering opportunities with Adelaide Hills Council or in the Adelaide Hills community, please contact:

(08) 8408 0400
PO Box 44, Woodside SA 5244

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