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Access to Council Information

Adelaide Hills Council holds a variety of electronic and hard copy information. Some is freely available for download from this website, while some is available for inspection at our customer service centres or on request following the due processes.

Stirling Coventry Library Signage

Adelaide Hills Council holds a variety of electronic and hard copy information including, but not limited to:

  • Council and Council Committee documents
  • Rates certificates
  • Decision Notification Forms for approved Development Applications
  • House plans, site plans, wastewater systems, soil reports, structural reports, and engineering reports
  • Ratepayer personal details (e.g. full name, address, date of birth).

Many of Council's policies, codes and registers are available through Council's Service Centre's for inspection and/or purchase by the public (for a fee as set out in Council's Fees and Charges Policy). Most are available on this website at no charge — a list of these documents is contained in our Freedom of Information Statement.

Find out how to access information held by Council below.

Freedom of Information and access to your personal records

To access documents not listed in the Freedom of Information Statement, a Freedom of Information request can be made.

Freedom of Information (FOI) applications can be submitted either using a FOI application form or in writing. The application must be as specific as possible to enable the correct documents to be identified. Application forms are available online from State Records.

An application fee (in accordance with Council's Fees and Charges Policy) must accompany the application. Applications under this legislation will be dealt with as soon as practicable (and in any case, within 30 days) after receipt.

The State Records website also has detailed information on the FOI process.

FOI requests should be addressed to:

Freedom of Information Officer
Adelaide Hills Council
63 Mount Barker Road
Stirling SA 5152

Any member of the public may inspect Council Documents relating to their personal affairs by a request under Part 4 Division 2 of the Freedom of Information Act 1991. A member of the public may request a correction to any information about themselves that is incomplete, incorrect or misleading, or out-of-date.

Access to relevant Council records by a member of the public or Amendment to any Council records under this section, can be requested by completing an application form available from State Records.

For further information on amending your personal records, please contact us.

Section 7 and Section 187 searches

Section 7 and Section 187 searches take eight full business days for return.

Both Section 7 and Section 187 searches must be completed by Adelaide Hills Council upon application by or on behalf of a person who has acquired a relevant interest in land situated within Council boundaries.

In accordance with the Local Government Act 1999 a person who has acquired a relevant interest in land includes:

  • The owner of a registered estate or interest in the land; or
  • An occupier of the land; or
  • A person who has entered or declares to the council that he or she proposes to enter into a contract to purchase the land; or
  • A mortgagee or prospective mortgagee of the land.

A full Section 7 search provides information on land areas and is completed in accordance with the Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994 and will include:

  • Rates certificate which outlines rates levied for the current financial year and any outstanding rates owed;
  • Relevant health notices for the land (e.g. wastewater system issues); and
  • Development notifications (including Decision Notification Forms for approved development applications) and any applicable conditions.

A Section 187 search (rates) provides information on any liabilities for rates or charges attached to a land area in accordance with the Local Government Act 1999. This search only includes a rates certificate which outlines rates levied for the current financial year and any outstanding rates owed.

To arrange either a Section 7 or Section 187 search, please email your request to You must include details of the property and a copy of the properties Certificate of Title which can be obtained via the Lands Services Group SAILIS system (refer link below).

Fees and Charges for all services offered by Adelaide Hills Council can be found on the Council Fees page.

Please note Adelaide Hills Council will contact you for payment, we request that you do not place your card payment details in any email to us. Any cheques received that are for an incorrect amount will be returned and a replacement cheque will be required.

In 1997 the District Councils of East Torrens, Gumeracha, Onkaparinga and Stirling amalgamated to form the Adelaide Hills Council. Due to the amalgamation, Adelaide Hills Council currently stores most records off site, therefore urgent requests cannot be completed. Whilst Council will endeavour to complete your search request as soon as possible, Council has eight full business days to complete the search.

Access to copy/view plans or reports

In 1997 the District Councils of East Torrens, Gumeracha, Onkaparinga and Stirling amalgamated to form the Adelaide Hills Council (AHC). AHC have a range of electronic and hard copy records which relate to property plans and reports. Applications dated prior to 1997 may be of poor quality or incomplete due to superseded Legislation and varying recordkeeping standards at that time. For this reason, AHC makes no guarantees as to the contents, quality or physical condition of the information contained in these files.

An application form will be required together with the relevant Fees and Charges, however the application form can only be provided once Council have determined if there is any relevant information available for you.

If you are obtaining copies of documents on behalf of the owner, the current property owners' permission is required.

If copies of plans and/or reports are required, copyright release will need to be obtained in writing from the copyright owner in accordance with the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). For further information on copyright please visit the Australian Copyright Council website.

As most records are kept in off-site storage, retrieval may take up to ten working days. Once the files have been received, an Information Management Officer will contact you to organise a viewing appointment at the Stirling Coventry Library, 63 Mount Barker Road, Stirling. Appointments can be made Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm.

To enquire further please contact Council on 8408 0400.

Amendment to Council records

More information

If you require additional information or details, or wish to amend your personal records, please contact us.

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