Adelaide Hills Council acknowledges that we undertake our business on the land of the Peramangk and Kaurna Nations. We acknowledge their deeply spiritual connection with Country and we pay our respect to Elders past, present and future as the Custodians of this ancient and beautiful land.
We are committed to working together to ensure that Peramangk and Kaurna culture and traditions are preserved and valued. Together we will care for this country for the generations to come.
As Australians, we are all here, woven into this country. As part of our reconciliation journey, there are truths to tell, stories to celebrate, and relationships to grow. Reconciliation is at the heart of our nations' future.
Reconciliation is about Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians talking, walking, and working together to overcome the reasons for division and inequality between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians.
Reconciliation is a nationally recognised approach to:
- Recognising and celebrating Aboriginal culture and contributions
- Building and strengthening our engagement with the Aboriginal community
- Acknowledging the impact of the past for Aboriginal people
- Building a future together.
For everyone
Reconciliation is not a niche topic; it is relevant to all people:
- Peramangk and Kaurna traditional custodians
- Non-Aboriginal people who live and work in the area
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who live and work in our area.
The Adelaide Hills Reconciliation Working Group will share information and resources for the community though the Adelaide Hills and Mount Barker District Councils' websites.
Reconciliation Action Plan
Adelaide Hills Council and Mount Barker District Council are committed to working in collaboration with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members of our community to develop and progress Reconciliation Action Plans.
Adelaide Hills Reconciliation Working Group
The Adelaide Hills Reconciliation Working Group (AHRWG) is a regional reference group that assists the Adelaide Hills and Mount Barker District Councils to develop and implement their Reconciliation Action Plans. It also provides general advice on matters that impact the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.
There are nearly 600 residents in the Adelaide Hills region who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander (2016 Census; 220 in the Adelaide Hills Council district and 360 in the Mount Barker District Council). The councils of this region recognise that the Aboriginal heritage and living culture of First Nation Peoples is a fundamental part of our district and thriving communities.
Meet your Adelaide Hills Reconciliation Working Group
Native Title
What is Native Title?
The Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) was introduced following the landmark Mabo decision to recognise the prior rights and interests held by First Nations in Australia’s lands and waters.
In 1982, Eddie Mabo and other Torres Strait Islander people decided to fight for their ancestral right to their land.
They argued to the courts in Queensland that Australian law didn’t recognise that Indigenous people had a system of law and ownership before British settlement.
After a long battle, a decade later in 1992 the High Court ruled that Indigenous traditional title to the land had survived British settlement. The concept of ‘terra nullius’ was abolished and the native title was recognised.
After the momentous Mabo Case, the Native Title Act 1993 was passed by the Australian parliament.
“We cannot imagine that the descendants of people whose genius and resilience maintained a culture here through 50,000 years or more … will be denied their place in the modern Australian nation." Prime Minister Paul Keating, 10 December 1992
The Native Title Act establishes a legal framework to manage interests in lands and waters held or claimed by Indigenous and settler Australians.
The Act has methods for Indigenous groups to make an application to the Federal Court to have their Native Title rights formally recognised through a determination.
It also has ways for other people or organisations, like State and Local Governments to be involved in claims and resolve native title applications through negotiation and mediation.

Who are the Traditional Custodians of the Adelaide Hills?
The Traditional Custodians of the Adelaide Hills are the Peramangk and Kaurna peoples. More information on the Aboriginal history of the area can be found on the Council website via the link below.
On 21 March 2018, after 18 years of legal proceedings the Kaurna people were recognised as native title holders for lands around Adelaide including a significant area within Adelaide Hills Council.
Shared Country
As a part of our continuing work on reconciliation across the district, we have partnered with mantirridesign to create Shared Country, a visual reminder of our district's traditional custodians, the Peramangk and Kaurna Peoples.
The artwork is drawn from the Shared Country mural located on Torrens Valley Road, Gumeracha and reflects the Seven Sisters, arranged as waterholes along the course of a river with coolamons laying amongst thickets of sedges.
Elements of the Shared Country design

More information
For further information about the Council's reconciliation program, please contact:
Lynne Griffiths
Community and Cultural Development Officer
8408 0552 |