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Resource Recovery

Waste and resource recovery is one of the key services that Council delivers for our community, and we work hard to ensure this is done in a way that minimises cost and environmental impact.

Waste and resource management is one of the single largest items of Council’s annual expenditure and one of the most tangible services Council offers.

It is essential that the entire suite of waste and resource services be well planned, justified and executed to minimise costs and ensure our environmental impact is reduced.

Waste and Resource Management Strategy

To ensure we remain on the right track, Council developed a Waste and Resource Management Strategy that sets a clear direction for waste and recycling resource management services into the future.

Along with implementing the actions within this strategy, Council is committed to continuous improvement and will continue to survey residents and analyse options to provide a cost effective and adequate waste and resource management service that focuses on reducing waste disposed to landfill.

Three bin waste system

We aim to use the most effective waste management technologies and methods available while also striving to protect environmental and public health.

To do this, Council operate a three bin waste and recycling system:

  • Weekly general waste collection (blue lid)
  • Alternate fortnightly recycling collection (yellow lid)
  • Alternate fortnightly green organic waste bins (green lid) are only available within township areas.

Green organic waste and recycling materials are sorted at the Heathfield Resource Recovery Centre and processed off site.

A kitchen caddy for kitchen scrap collection is also available for residents eligible for green organic waste bins.

A hard waste collection occurs annually.

Find out more about all of our waste and resource recovery services at the link below.

Tips for reducing waste

Top five tips to minimise the waste you send to landfill:

  • Choose products with minimal packaging
  • Use 'No Junk Mail' signs on letterboxes
  • Buy second-hand instead of new, and re-use and recycle products where possible
  • Remain aware of what is going into landfill and reduce where possible
  • Use the three bin system correctly without contaminating the different waste streams.

Which Bin SA provides a comprehensive A-Z guide for waste reduction to help residents identify the correct manner to dispose of items. Explore the guide at the link below.

Road and paving resource recovery

We collect our used road and paving materials which is crushed at the Heathfield Resource Recovery Centre. The recovered and processed materials are then reused as road base material. Trees that have fallen on council land are mulched and used for landscaping and garden bed mulching.

Our office initiatives

Reducing waste and increasing reuse and recycling relies on changing our waste habits and behaviour. To help facilitate this change, we adopted a three bin system within our own office.

  • Kitchen caddy for food and organic waste
  • Recycling stations
  • Desktop 'mini’ bin for general waste items.

Collection points are strategically located around throughout our office and are clearly marked so staff know which bin to use. The mini bins act as a prompt for people to reconsider where they are disposing their items and ideally choose a more suitable bin option.

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