Water is a valuable resource that requires careful management and ongoing protection.
Council plays a vital role in water management directly through our own water use and in managing public assets; and indirectly through influencing community attitudes and actions. It is therefore important that we manage the way we uses and care for water in a manner that is environmentally, socially and financially responsible, and lead by example.
We continue to analyse the way we use water in our buildings, facilities and on land such as ovals. Opportunities for improvements are being identified with the aim of safeguarding water resources into the future, building resilience to climate change and becoming more water-sensitive.
Council has developed a Water Management Plan to identify ways to improve water sustainability.
Water Management Plan
Council initiatives to improve the sustainability of water resources include:
- Tracking water usage to monitor trends and identify unusual water usage activities so timely action can be taken.
- Monitoring and reporting of bore water use. This information is provided to the Department of Environment and Water as part of fulfilling water license reporting responsibilities and to help protect groundwater resources.
- Working collaboratively with community groups that use Council’s bore water to improve water efficiencies through improved irrigation techniques and turf maintenance practices.
- Water audits of our buildings and facilities to identify opportunities to conserve water, such as water efficient devices for taps, showerheads, dishwashers, toilets, and more.
- Installation of a centrally located irrigation system to manage the controller network from a central location base station and enable a program approach to irrigation. This will ensure that irrigation happens on an as-needs basis.
- Treated wastewater from the Birdwood Community Wastewater Management Systems (CWMS) is used to irrigate Birdwood oval, and Kersbrook Oval is irrigated from the Kersbrook CWMS.
- Encouraging the use of best practice water sensitive urban design measures to retain water onsite and filter pollutants.
Irrigation upgrades and renewals
An oval and pitch irrigation audit, along with the Water Management Plan undertaken in 2017, provided guidance of improved irrigation efficiency priorities. Those ovals and pitches watered by bore water were identified as important to improve effcient use of bore water and improve sustainable use of ground water.
Bradwood Park and the Mylor Oval were listed within the grant application as possible sites for improved irrigation systems. In addition, the ovals and pitches at Gumeracha and Woodside, pending remaining budget, may also be considered.
Useful links
Information about water sensitive urban design and tips for water efficiency can be found at the following links.