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Bushfire requirements

CFS volunteers attending a fire

Private bushfire shelters

All private bushfire shelters require building and development approval and concurrence from the Building Technical Panel which is a committee of the State Planning Commission (SPC).

No pre-approved products in South Australia

There are currently no accredited or “pre-approved” products (or designs) available in South Australia relating to prefabricated private bushfire shelters. Every shelter must be assessed and approved on a case-by-case basis.

Building in a bushfire-prone area

All of the Adelaide Hills Council area must meet bushfire construction requirements. Excluded areas also require bushfire fighting facilities when a site is within 500 metres of a high bushfire risk area.

An application is required to satisfy the relevant bushfire provisions in the Planning and Design Code (P & D Code). Habitable structures (dwellings, dwelling additions and tourist accommodation) within the Hazard (Bushfire High Risk) Overlay require a mandatory referral to the Country Fire Service (CFS) where they have six weeks to assess the application. The CFS has the power of direction and all requirements and conditions imposed must be adhered to.

Development Applications within a bushfire risk area are required to demonstrate compliance with the Building Code for bushfire resistance as well as the Ministerial Building Standard MBS-008 Designated Bushfire Prone Area - Additional Requirements July 2020. The Council's Bushfire Services Plan fact sheet (currently being reviewed) provides useful information in this regard.

Bushfire maps and Ministerial Building Standard

View the hazard overlays in the P & D Code for relevant risk levels by following the links below:

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