The Adelaide Hills Council aspires to ensure that all decisions regarding the built environment recognise and reflect the Hills' unique character and natural environment to maintain and enhance liveability for our community.
Council manages more than 590 kilometres of sealed roads throughout the region, which are monitored and maintained by our maintenance crews. Due to the extensive geographical area, we appreciate our community reporting any faults or concerns such as potholes, blocked drains or damaged footpath. To make a report, please contact Customer Service during office hours.
Our maintenance crews will then inspect and if required repair the fault. Occasionally, during a peak rainstorm period, there may be delays due to the large volume of incoming requests. Your patience is appreciated during these times.
In some instances, the issue may require more than a simple maintenance repair. Such issues will be escalated for further investigation.
Report an issue
View upcoming known construction and works, including roads, footpaths and verges

Authorisation to Alter a Public Road
If you need to have work carried out within a road reserve permission is required under Local Government Act Section 221. A road reserve extends from property boundary to property boundary across a road including road verges, vegetated area, and footpaths.

Civil Design Standards
All of Council's infrastructure works are guided by a suite of standard civil design details to assist preparation of engineering documents for development and construction across the Adelaide Hills Council region.

Civil Works Projects
In order to ensure the Adelaide Hills Council region maintains its beauty and community facilities, significant funding is invested into new and upgraded capital infrastructure each year.
Heavy Vehicle Access
Heavy or oversized vehicle access for a range of roads in the Adelaide Hills is coordinated by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator to ensure a safe, efficient and sustainable road network for all road users.

Roads — Sealed and Unsealed
The Council is responsible for the ongoing maintenance of sealed and unsealed roads across the Adelaide Hills district. View the maintenance program and maps, and see which road are managed and maintained by the State Government.

Roadside Management
Council owns and maintains more than 590 kilometres of sealed roads throughout the Adelaide Hills with additional roads managed and maintained by the State Government. Council is only authorised to alter, modify and install signage on Council roads.
Vegetation Management and Watercourses
Council has a responsibility to prepare and implement strategies for the sustainable management of land under its care and control, in partnership with the community.