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Heritage Agreement Landowners Native Grass ID Webinar

The Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement (NVHA) Grants Program is offering free training sessions to help landholders in the Hills and Fleurieu and Green Adelaide regions conserve native vegetation on their properties.

Heritage Agreement Landowners

Heritage Agreement Landowners Native Grass ID Webinar

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This online session is an opportunity to learn about native grasses and how to identify species.

As an existing or aspiring Heritage Agreement owner, the Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement (NVHA) Grants Program is excited to be offering a training program providing the opportunity to learn about conserving natural vegetation on your property.

Andrew Fairney from Seeding Natives Inc. will deliver this training session on behalf of the partnership with Trees For Life.

This online workshop will enable you to;

  • Understand the importance of native grasses
  • Learn about methods for identification
  • Learn how to promote native grasses on your property
  • Meet other HA owners and conservation management staff

Please note that this session will be recorded.

This training is building on the Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement Grants Program, which has provided on-site support to 230+ landowners, awarded 170+ grants sharing in over $3.7 million of grant funding to Heritage Agreement landowners across South Australia.

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