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Mobile Food Vending and Roadside Trading

There are a number of pre-approved sites for mobile food vendors and buskers across the Council area. Food truck vendors and buskers must apply for a permit to operate a food truck or busk on land owned or managed by the Council.

Two people ordering from green food truck

Food trucks

Persons wishing to operate a Mobile Food Vending Business (MFVB) — a food truck — on Council roadside will be required to obtain a permit.

To simplify the process for MFVBs, four pre-approved roadside sites have been adopted. By obtaining a permit, MFVB are authorised to operate on any of the pre-approved sites, subject to any site-specific rules. Please regularly check these rules as they may be amended from time to time as required. Please contact our Road Officer on 8408 0400 to determine if the area you wish to operate on fits this criteria.

If there is a site that you would like Council to consider as a potential food truck location, please forward your suggestion to the Council. Council will assess proposed site against the adopted Roadside Trading Policy and, if approved, will add the site to the list of pre-approved sites.


Buskers in the Adelaide Hills make valuable contributions to our townships, events and culture. Anyone wishing to busk in the Adelaide Hills Council area, on land owned or managed by the Council, must seek a permit.

Roadside Trading

The Local Government Act 1999 outlines that a person must not use a public road for business purposes without a permit. “Business purposes” include the use of land even if it is not intended to make a profit. You also need a permit to trade on any Council land.

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