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Community Hall Support

Implementation of the Community and Recreation Facilities Framework commenced on 1 July 2023. This page provides more details on what the new Management Services Agreements mean for each hall.

Aldgate village hall

Project background

Council developed a new Sport & Recreation Strategy in 2016.

The document acknowledged that there are significant amounts of improvements to be made regarding community, sport and recreation asset provision and management.

As a result, an equitable and sustainable position that encourages a new way of working with clubs was developed. This new way of operating, between Council and Community Halls, is called the Community & Recreation Facilities Framework.

The Framework is reflected in Council’s Strategic Plan (2020-2024) as well as Council’s Annual Business Plan (2023-24).

There’s a handy video on our engagement page which explains the need for the Community Recreation Facilities Framework further.

We are eager to hear any feedback that you have about the draft Management Services Agreement for your hall.

Please feel free to call, email or make a catch-up time so we can listen to any ideas or concerns you have. It’s important for us to hear your feedback so we can make sure that we understand how the agreements sit with you, and so we can work towards making changes that work for you and the Council.

We encourage you to get in touch by calling the Property Department via 8408 0400 or email

What feedback are we looking for?

  • What is concerning to you?
  • What sits well for you?
  • What do you want us to change?
  • Anything else you’d like us to know about draft Management Services Agreement?

Aim of the Community and Recreation Facilities Framework

The Community and Recreation Facilities Framework aims for community, recreation, and sport facilities (Community and Council owned) to:

  • be safe and accessible to our whole community
  • be appropriately planned, managed and developed
  • receive equitable support from Council
  • have a consistent quality and standard of contribution towards maintenance or upgrade of community facilities which is appropriate for community use
  • have planned and programmed asset management and maintenance of all Council owned sites with obligations reflected in service management agreements, leases and licenses or funding agreements where applicable

The Community and Recreation Facilities Framework also aims to facilitate a clear position and process for community owned sites to access support from Council.

Overall this enables Council resourcing and funding for the maintenance or development or upgrade of community, recreation and sport facilities to be allocated and delivered with equity and transparency.

Core documents for Community and Recreation Facilities Framework

Changes hall committees can expect to see

Outcomes of the Community and Recreation Facilities Framework and its ongoing implementation will:

  • Help committees plan for the future by having clear obligations and arrangements for Council and community groups, clubs, and associations
  • Improve equity in Council resourcing and support between Council and community owned facilities
  • Allocate and spend of Council resources in accordance with agreed priorities and approved service levels and ensure ongoing safety of facilities
  • Improve standard of facilities over time for the community

Each hall will receive a tailored Management Service Agreement. The table below provides a snapshot of the changes for each type of hall ownership.

Key changes halls can expect Council owned halls Community owned halls
Building insurance Paid by the Council Grant can be accessed for contribution to building insurance (application must be made)
Payment for contents, public liability, and association insurances Responsibility of association Responsibility of association
Annual reporting of AGM minutes, financials, certificate of incorporation (only if changes/ made to constitution are made), advertising program, hire agreement / list of charges, maintenance and OHSW checklist and bushfire safety check YES YES
Operational costs such as toilet cleans and electricity are paid by the hall committee YES YES
Council to promote halls available for hire YES YES

Consultation undertaken to date

These new arrangements were developed as a result of the contributions made to the Community and Recreation Facilities Framework consultation undertaken between 2020 and 2021.

Thank you to all of your contributions in the consultation process, we really appreciate the time you took to meet with us and provide feedback.

Frequently asked questions

Your feedback is valued - use this form to provide comments

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