More information will be available closer to the rollout of this initiative commencing later in 2025. In the meantime, we hope we can answer a few of your questions:
Why will there be changes to my waste collection in 2025?
- Previous waste audits reveal that 40% of the contents in blue waste bins are food and organic materials, which could be recycled using our green bins.
- The audit conducted during the weekly FOGO trial in Woodside demonstrated that this change in service frequency allowed households to significantly increase the amount of food and organic waste diverted to green bins.
- Instead of sending food scraps to landfill, where they decompose and emit greenhouse gases, recycling food waste in green bins produces compost that enriches soils on farms, parks, and gardens.
- The trial indicated that weekly green bin collections would divert an additional 2000 tonnes of compostable waste from landfill annually. This would deliver positive environmental outcomes as well as social and economic benefits, as more people are employed to manage resource recycling compared to landfill operations.
What is changing in 2025?
Applicable to all township areas in 2025:
- Green-lidded bin will be collected weekly (previously fortnightly)
- Blue-lidded bin will be collected fortnightly (previously weekly)
- Yellow-lidded bin fortnightly collection will remain unchanged
How will I know when bin collection services are going to change in my area?
- Residents will be informed about the service changes and timelines ahead of time and in a variety of ways.
- Letters will be sent to property owners
- Welcome packs, including an updated collection calendar, will be delivered to households and businesses
- Information sessions will be held at our three Libraries
- A variety of other platforms will be used including Council’s website and social media, The Courier and roadside signs.
How can I prepare for weekly FOGO, fortnightly landfill collections?
- If you reside in a township and do not yet have a green bin, please apply for one and collect a kitchen caddy from your nearest library.
- Keep your eye out for Council communications about this and consider attending one of the information sessions (announcements to come).
- If you already have a green bin, please refer to the list below and make sure you are putting everything accepted in it (rather than in your blue landfill bin).
When was this service change endorsed by Council?
This service change was endorsed by the Elected Members 15 October 2024. Further details can be found here: 241015-Council-Minutes-Public.pdf (Item 12.2)
Were residents consulted?
All trial participants were invited to provide feedback on the service changes. These households and businesses were best positioned to provide feedback on the successes and challenges they encountered.
68% of Woodside township residents were satisfied or very satisfied with the trial and 70% were keen to continue with weekly FOGO.
Have other Councils made the same changes?
Yes; multiple South Australian councils are shifting to weekly FOGO bin collections including the Cities of Holdfast Bay, Prospect, Burnside, Campbelltown, and Charles Sturt and the Port Pirie Regional Council. Alexandrina Council has had fortnightly general waste collections in place for several years.
What can go into my green lidded bin?
A good rule of thumb is that if it grew, it’s good to go in your green bin! This includes:
- fruit and vegetable scraps (including citrus, onion, fruit stones and pips)
- dairy products and egg shells
- processed and cooked foods
- meat and seafood scraps (including bones and shells)
- rice, pasta and bread
- coffee grounds and loose leaf tea
- spoiled or rotten food (with any non-compostable packaging removed)
- garden waste – lawn clippings, prunings, leaves etc.
- human hair and pet fur
Other items that can go in your green bin:
- wet or soiled newspaper and cardboard
- paper towels, napkins and tissues
- small paper bags
- shredded paper
- egg cartons
- pizza boxes
- other compostable, single-use food serving ware including wooden cutlery and chopsticks
- certified compostable bags (Australian standard AS4736)
- pea straw or hay
- pet poo
For more information visit Which Bin SA
What happens to the contents of my green lidded bin?
Council contractors, East Waste, empty the green bins and deliver the contents to Jeffries, a commercial compost facility, where your FOGO is turned into compost. The compost is used to provide nutrients and reduce irrigation needs on South Australian farms and gardens and can even be bought for your own backyard.
What about my yellow lidded recycling bin?
Yellow recycling bins will still be collected every two weeks — alternating with the blue bin. We know yellow bins sometimes end up full before collection day. You can make space in your recycling bin by crushing plastic bottles and flattening and pulling apart cardboard boxes.
Can I apply for a larger blue lidded bin or more frequent collections?
We recognise that some households have special waste management needs. If your household is large, has children in nappies, or generates additional waste due to medical reasons, you may be eligible for a larger or additional blue general waste bin and an extra yellow recycling bin. More details will follow closer to the changeover period.
Can I opt out of the weekly green lidded bin collection?
Whilst opting out of the weekly FOGO service is an option, all requests will be managed on a case-by-case basis. Council encourages residents to “give the change a go” and to contact Council with any concerns or challenges related to the service change. Council staff are here to assist with the transition.