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Fire Danger Rating
Saturday 22nd February has a fire danger rating above 'Extreme 75'. The Heathfield Resource Recovery Centre and the Gumeracha Library will be closed.

Kerbside Collections

Council supplies up to three bins for each property and an aerated kitchen caddy for kitchen waste. Correctly disposing of waste through kerbside bin collection is an important responsibility to ensure as little waste as possible is sent to landfill.

East Waste truck in Stirling image

Council supplies up to three bins for each property and an aerated kitchen caddy to conveniently collect food scraps and kitchen waste.

Material collected through our three bin kerbside service (waste, recycling, and green organics) are managed by two organisations that are jointly owned by Adelaide Hills Council and other local Councils.

  • East Waste — collection of waste and recycling material from the three bin kerbside system. East Waste collects items in the three bins and transports them to recycling facilities for processing.
  • Adelaide Hills Region Waste Management Authority — waste disposal.

Being a part owner of these organisations provides Adelaide Hills Council with a high level of input and assurance that waste and recycling management is undertaken to a high standard and compliant with all relevant laws.

Blue-lidded kerbside bins — Landfill waste

Your general waste bin is the 140 litre bin with the blue lid. Your blue-lidded bin is collected weekly and is for domestic waste that cannot go into your other bins — this waste will be sent to landfill.

Watch the video below to learn more about what it means to toss items in your general waste bin.

  • ​Plastic bags and bin liners
  • Nappies
  • Foam cups and trays
  • Clothing, textiles and fabrics
  • Hot ashes​
  • Potentially infectious or hazardous materials (such as syringes)
  • Timber and timber off cuts, or other building materials such as concrete, bricks or builders rubble
  • Automobile components, engines
  • Hazardous waste, including electronic waste
  • Recyclable materials

Kerbside waste (blue-lidded bin) is collected by East Waste and taken to a fully engineered landfill, located regionally.

The regional landfill is operated by the Adelaide Hills Region Waste Management Authority on behalf of its four Member Councils (Adelaide Hills Council, Alexandrina Council, Mount Barker District Council and the Rural City of Murray Bridge).

The regional landfill is licensed and regulated by the Environment Protection Authority.

Yellow-lidded kerbside bins — Recyclable waste

Your recycling bin is the 240 litre bin with the yellow lid. Your yellow-lidded bin is collected fortnightly on the alternate week to your green-lidded bin (if applicable) and is for recyclable items only.

  • ​Hard plastics and cartons
  • Long life cartons
  • Empty aerosol cans
  • Clean magazines, newspapers and books
  • Margarine tubs and lids
  • Glass bottles or jars, lids removed
  • Clean cardboard and paper
  • Aluminium and steel cans/tins
  • Sauce and shampoo bottles
  • Clean takeaway containers
  • Clean alfoil trays
  • Clothing, textiles and fabrics
  • Hazardous medical waste
  • Organic waste and food scraps
  • Foam cups and food trays
  • Plastic bags
  • Gardening tools and crockery
  • Nappies
  • Electrical appliances
  • Light globes

Kerbside mixed recycling (yellow lidded bin contents) is collected by East Waste and transported to the Central Adelaide Waste and Recycling Authority (CAWRA) located at Kilburn SA for processing.

Watch this video for information on how CAWRA process items in your yellow lidded bin.

Recycling tip — Don't place your recyclable materials in a plastic bag or you will contaminate the recycling.

Green-lidded kerbside bins — Green organic waste

Your green organics bin is the 240 litre bin with the green lid. Your green-lidded bin is collected fortnightly on the alternate week to your yellow-lidded bin and is for garden and food organics composting. This service reduces waste to landfill.

Around 10,000 properties in the Adelaide Hills Council region have received a green-lidded bin, however not all residencies fall within the collection area. Residents without kerbside organics bins can request two free green organics vouchers per financial year by phoning the Council. All residents can utilise the free green organic drop off days.

The green organic waste is taken to Jeffries, a commercial compost facility, where it is processed into mulch, compost and soil. It is then ready to use for horticulture, public parks and gardens, and even for your own backyard.

  • ​Food scraps, removed from any packaging and either loose or in compostable bags (not biodegradable)
  • Small pruning and cuttings
  • Small branches that fit within the bin
  • Lawn clippings
  • Leaves
  • Weeds
  • Cut flowers
  • Pizza boxes (soiled with food)
  • Shredded paper (dampen paper if on top to prevent
    fly-aways during emptying)
  • Animal droppings in certified compostable bags
  • Sawdust, chicken feathers or animal hair (must be wrapped and sealed)
  • Plastic bags
  • Household garbage
  • Painted or treated timber
  • Dirt, soil or sand
  • Plant pots
  • Stones, rocks, bricks or rubble
  • Large logs or stumps
  • Gardening tools

Green organic waste is collected by East Waste then sent to and processed locally, by Jeffries — a fourth-generation, wholly South Australian company and commercial compost facility.

Jeffries mix the kerbside collected material with organic material derived from other sources (e.g. hospitality and manufacturers) to create and supply high quality compost, soil and mulch products. It is then ready to use for horticulture, public parks and gardens, and even for your own backyard.

Learn more about green organic recycling or go to the Jeffries website for more information.

To assist with fire prevention, Adelaide Hills Council organises a number of free green organic drop off days throughout the year.

Find out more here.

Kitchen caddies

Adelaide Hills Council provides aerated kitchen caddies as another way of reducing household waste. Caddies are used to collect food scraps, which are then recycled through the green-lidded kerbside bin or home compost systems.

Residents may access a kitchen caddy and one roll of compostable bags to assist in diverting food waste from landfill. Collect your free starter kit from Council's service centres located at Norton Summit, Woodside, Gumeracha and Stirling.

  • ​Fruit and vegetables
  • Egg and oyster shells
  • Food scraps
  • Tea and coffee grounds
  • Hair
  • Cheese and yoghurt, removed from packaging
  • Tissues
  • Paper towels
  • ​Plastic bags
  • Cling wrap
  • Nappies
  • Dish cloths and sponges
  • Cigarette butts
  • Liquids
  • Vacuum dust
  • Sharps

Green organic waste is collected by East Waste then sent to and processed locally, by Jeffries — a fourth-generation, wholly South Australian company.

Jeffries mix the kerbside collected material with organic material derived from other sources (e.g. hospitality and manufacturers) to create and supply high quality compost, soil and mulch products to resellers across metropolitan Adelaide.

Learn more about organic recycling on the Jeffries website.

Residents within our designated collection areas are entitled to receive a green-lidded kerbside bin. The designated collection areas have been defined based on legislative requirements, property size, collection routes, and township or urban locales.

Commercial businesses may access a green-lidded kerbside bin service if they are within the current collection service area, however the service will only be supplied upon application and where there is a demonstrated need for domestic disposal of organics. A green organics bin will not be supplied for commercial quantities of waste.

Tips for collection

  • Put your bins roadside by 6:00am on the day of collection
  • Bin wheels should face your property
  • Ensure at least 50cm between bins and parked vehicles
  • Don't overfill your bins or place items on top or around your bin
  • Bring your bins back inside the property within 24 hours of collection
  • If you live outside of a township and don't have a green-lidded kerbside bin, you can access two free green organics drop off vouchers per year (offered in addition to the district-wide Free Green Organics Drop Off Days). To arrange your free vouchers, please contact Council on 8408 0400.

Damaged bins and other issues

Adelaide Hills Council​East Waste
Green organic waste voucher requests (for properties without a green-lidded kerbside bin). Please allow 7 business days for voucher delivery or for collection from a service centre.Missed waste bins
New bin applications (download form below)Damaged bins, lids, or wheels
Vacant land request for bins (for properties where building is nearing completion)Additional bin requests
Bin locations on vergesCancellation of additional bins
Event bins for community eventsAccount/invoice enquiries for additional bins
Green organic bin request for commercial property (download form below)Missing bin pins (if you prefer to replace your own pins, you can collect them from a council service centre)

Green organic collection days

Stolen or lost bins
Kitchen caddies (available to all residents)​Hard waste bookings and queries
Truck driver feedback - contact East Waste on 8347 5111 or
​Damage caused by trucks - contact East Waste on 8347 5111 or

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