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Breakfast with Fire

Are you prepared for a bushfire? Yes? Sort of? Maybe? No? Come along to 'Breakfast with Fire' by the Basket Range CFS and learn how to prepare.

Breakfast With Fire CFS Barbecue

Breakfast with Fire

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Enjoy a sizzling egg and bacon breakfast and learn about bushfire preparedness and resilience.

  • Free egg and bacon breakfast from 9 am
  • Bushfire preparedness session from 10 - 11 am

The Basket Range CFS will offer advice through this informative workshop on how to be prepared for a bushfire. Talk to our firefighters, and an Adelaide Hills Council, Community Resilience Officer will be on hand to offer advice on building resilience in an emergency, especially for children.

Featuring kids activities and a chance to look at CFS fire appliances up-close.

Supported by the Basket Range Hall and Adelaide Hills Council.


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