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Heritage Agreement Landowners Free Training Upper Sturt

The Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement (NVHA) Grants Program is offering free training sessions to help landholders in the Hills and Fleurieu and Green Adelaide regions conserve native vegetation on their properties.

Heritage Agreement Landowners

Heritage Agreement Landowners Free Training Upper Sturt

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Are you a Heritage Agreement owner or interested in learning about conserving natural vegetation on your property?

As an existing or aspiring Heritage Agreement owner, the Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement (NVHA) Grants Program is excited to be offering a training program to landowners in the Hills and Fleurieu region with the opportunity to learn about conserving natural vegetation on your property.

Trees For Life will deliver Native Vegetation Workshops with the Landscape Boards (SA) and the Native Vegetation Branch.

This workshop will enable you to;

  • Identify and care for natural assets
  • Learn about impacts from threats and strategies for management
  • Create a property plan to guide activities
  • Meet local HA owners and conservation management staff

Please bring;

  • Drinking water
  • Suitable outdoor clothing (long pants / long shirt), hat and sturdy enclosed footwear

Morning tea and Lunch tea will be provided – please advise of any dietary requirements

Workshop Presented by Trees For Life in conjunction with the Landscapes Hills and Fleurieu and Native Vegetation Council.

This training is building on the Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement Grants Program, which has provided on-site support to 230+ landowners, awarded 170+ grants sharing in over $3.7 million of grant funding to Heritage Agreement landowners across South Australia.

Online workshops are also providing detailed information on specific land management topics such as weed control, pest animal management, plant identification and property planning. See online for more details: Department for Environment and Water Training Opportunities.

The Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement Grants Program is a State Government election commitment and will run until June 2026.

The Heritage Agreement Grants Program is working in partnership with the Landscape Boards (SA) and Trees For Life to deliver parts the program e.g. on-site land management advice and training. As such, your contact details will be shared with these partners for these purposes only. The Native Vegetation Branch will continue to contact you via email about program activities and opportunities, and you have the option to unsubscribe from these emails at any stage, please just let us know.


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